Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Mars Volta, The Roundhouse, London, 16 July 2008

I thought I'd give TMV a chance seeing as I am obsessed with the lovely John Frusciante, he is best mates with Omar and he contributed to their latest album ("the Bedlam in Goliath"). So yes, maybe secretly, or not so secretly, I was hoping Johnny boy would make a surprise appearance. Sometimes people live in hope and are disappointed.

Not only did JF not make a special guest appearance, I had to put up with a band who They were waaaay too "progressive rock" for my liking. The singer Cedric did not have any rapport with the crowd and was completely disengaging despite looking like he was having a bloody good time doing these weird epileptic fit dance moves. In all fairness, Cedric looks like how a rock star should look. Individually, TMV are really good musicians. Collectively, their music is just loud noise which you can't sing or dance to. You just stand and stare at the people making this LOUD noise. It was like the emperor's new clothes. Maybe someone started a rumour that TMV were the band of the moment so now, no one dares defy that. Maybe they were having an off night. Maybe I'm too old and like my music to be more obvious, less experimental. Maybe I don't appreciate musicians who are completely self-indulgent. I'm all for artistic integrity and non-manufactured bands but sometimes you have to draw the line. For example, I admire Radiohead for doing what they do and not giving a damn about what's popular, but apart from their first two albums, everything they have produced since then is masturbatory crap. Whatever. Unless the delectable John Frusciante is playing with TMV, and I have good earplugs, I will not be spending my hard earned cash on seeing them again.


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