10 Reasons To Live, Kingly Club, London, 15 August 2007
I got me a plus one on the gueslist to 10RTL's acoustic set at the overly expensive, WAGesque, somewhat pretentious Kingly Club.
What started out as a promising night slowly went downhill. We were told to arrive between 9.30 p.m. and no later by 10.00 p.m., assuming of course the guys would be onstage by then, giving us enough time to get the last tube home (Wednesday being a school night for most normal people). I guess the guys were more concerned with drinking their JD and schmoozing because by 11 p.m. they were still nowhere near the stage but were instead either propped up by the bar or running outside for a fag. Unbelievable. You'd think they had already hit the big time, judging from the Axl Rose style behaviour. I spotted Dave Snr, manager and father to lead singer David Jnr, who seemed pleased to see me as he remembered me from the Purple Turtle (I have this effect on older men you see...) and I swear, if I hadn't told him to get the guys onstage it never would have happened. David Jnr was literally carried onstage but by that time, me and Matt had to leave so we only caught one and a half songs. Oh what a loss. Listen guys, I loved you when you were actually nice and humble but cut out the rock star act until you've reached the top because you're not doing yourselves any favours. If you're still setting up your own equipment, trust me, you still have a long way to go.
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