Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Goldfrapp, ULU, London March 2003

So Josh tells me there's a band called Goldfrapp playing at the ULU and says we should go because he likes some of their stuff. I was like "Who dat?" and he was all "You'll see". So we get to the ULU, buy some tout tickets and have a drink in the student bar. Bloody students. Cut to the gig - me and Josh managed to park ourselves right up at the stage and Goldfrapp come on and all I could think of was Blondie. Anyway this was at the time of thier Black Cherry album, not that it made any sense to me at the time, but I was blown away nonetheless. Alison Goldfrapp's voice and range was chilling and quite impressive. She didn't have much banter with the crowd but I guess she didn't need to. "Train" was nice and upbeaty (note I didn't know the song was called "Train" at the time) and gave the impression that not all of their songs had to be dark and sublime. It was a good gig which I thoroughly enjoyed. And then they hit the mainstream. Glad I was there before they got too expensive to see.



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