Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Chemical Brothers, Brixton Academy, 13 December 2007

Electro, trance, dance... I'm not really sure what genre The Chemical Brothers falls under but what I can tell you is that a CBs gig is an experience and a half and then some - for the 2 hours or however long these DJs remain onstage, be expected to be transported to a world of insane beats, melodies and pyrotechnics, all of which will get under your skin and whether you plan to or not, you WILL lose yourself in a sea of bodies, each and every one of you possessed by some sort of dancing spirit, regardless of whether you can dance (and trust me, there were many white boys around me who were repeatedly proving the old stereotype that white men can't dance...).

I nearly decided not to go at the last minute as I was tired from my first week at my new job and I had the office Christmas piss-up the following night. However, I rationalised that the gig would be free for us (my mate Owen got me and Matt on the guestlist) and if I wasn't feeling it, well, I could always leave.

Someone should have slapped me over the head for thinking like that. Do not make the mistake of thinking that going to a Chemical Brothers gig will just involve 2 guys playing what is essentially their recorded material. From the opening number Galvanize until the end (admittedly I left when the last song started as I really could not face battling the crowd at Brixton Station), the CBs didn't say a word and instead, let their music and enthusiastic mixing (or whatever the cool DJ lingo is) speak for themselves. The gig was peppered with a brilliant and captivating light show, an epileptic's worst nightmare. There were even times when I had to look away for fear of having a fit.

Short clip of Galvanize, the opening number*

So my advice is to catch them the next time they play near you - wear something shiny, pop a pill if you're into that sort of thing and pump your hands to those block rockin' beats.

*NB: I do have more videos of the gig but I'm having some problems uploading them on youtube, so do check back after I have kicked youtube's ass!

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